Original upload date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 01:15:31 GMT
During Brickfete 2012 a small crew and I had the opportunity to produce a film for the 2013 Brickfete website. Our goal was to capture the essence of the festival through interviews and footage of the
bustling scene. Brickfete is organized by a few highly motivated and organized (and LEGO lovin') people, they identify themselves as A.F.O.L. (Adult Friends of LEGO). You can call them that to their face, they won't mind! This festival is the premiere event in Canada (taking place in Toronto, ON) but is NOT officially backed by LEGO, although being there you think otherwise. LEGO's logo, and even LEGO clothing (you'll spot it in the video! hint: bold, colourful stripes) make constant appearances around the venue. Mostly though it's the A.F.O.L. creations you'll be there to see and I think you'll be impressed and possibly inspired to pick up some LEGO products on your way out at one of the official LEGO vendors. Watch the video to judge for yourself.
Another hint: buy your tickets ahead of time and avoid the kids getting impatient while standing in line (it's a very popular event!). www.brickfete.com