Original upload date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 22:21:29 GMT
Designed in the likeness of Einstein, Genius: 100 Visions of the Future is the world’s first ever 3D book; printed and bound layer-by-layer through the laser-printing process. Three hundred books will
be created one-by-one, each book taking approximately one week to complete. The initial prototype was printed at the International Space Station in collaboration with NASA, the Japanese Space Agency, and the European Space Agency. Visionaries will receive their own copy, with additional copies allocated to Genius 100 Founders – entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators in their own right who have invested in Genius 100 projects. One copy will be signed by the Visionaries and auctioned off next year.