Original upload date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 07 Nov 2021 21:25:58 GMT
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/12/15/Klein_Gives_Monsanto_Award_for_Worst_Climate_Lobbyist
Journalist Naomi Klein calls the COP15 talks "a very polite affair" for focusing on "false solutio
ns" that fail to address the role corporate lobbyists play in influencing climate change policy. "While there are endless sessions about how poor countries should adapt to climate change, there are very few sessions - if any - that are looking at the role corporations are playing in creating this crisis," says Klein.
FORA.tv's complete coverage of the COP15 Climate Change Conference: http://fora.tv/partner/COP15
Author and journalist Naomi Klein reveals Monsanto as the winner of the 2009 Angry Mermaid Award for the worst corporate lobbying group. She, along with Paul de Clerck from Friends of the Earth International and Dorothy Guerrero from Focus on the Global South, discuss the effects of corporate lobbying on the global climate debate. - COP15
Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, author, and filmmaker. Her first book, the international bestseller No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, was translated into twenty-eight languages and called "a movement bible" by The New York Times.
She writes an internationally syndicated column for The Nation and The Guardian and reported from Iraq for Harpers Magazine. In 2004, she released The Take, a feature documentary about Argentina's occupied factories, co-produced with director Avi Lewis.
She is a former Miliband Fellow at the London School of Economics and holds an honorary Doctor of Civil Laws degree from the University of Kings College, Nova Scotia.