Original upload date: Thu, 04 Aug 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 02:07:42 GMT
During a campaign event in Portland, Maine, today, Donald Trump encountered some protesters who seemed to be taking a cue from Khizr Khan by holding up copies of the United States Constitution Pro
testors stand silently and hold up pocket copies of the Constitution. His supporters were reportedly annoyed by the display… Protesters holding up the Constitution at Trump rally. Trump supporters booing them. …but Trump seemed to enjoy it:
“It’s happening today but it doesn’t happen much anymore. I sort of miss my protestors,” Trump says following 2 groups of protests.
He missed his protesters, he claimed. He said that he hasn’t noticed many passionate Hillary Clinton supporters, but that protesters who had demonstrated at his events in support of Bernie Sanders prior to that candidate failing to net the Democratic nomination had been passionate.