Storm Warning - Episode 7 - Jarrell Texas Twister / Ice Queen / Brazil Flood
Uploader: Storm Warning
Original upload date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 04:03:56 GMT
A supercell storm brews in central Texas. It is of such immense power that a mile-wide F5 tornado drops from the sky to destroy an entire town. Then another twister appears, se
nding a supermarket full of people running into a meat locker. The same twister then heads for a neighborhood, where two men stand in shock videotaping the destruction going on around them.
Ice storms are beautiful but deadly. An ice-laden branch weighs 50 times more than a dry branch. When a beauty queen goes for a drive in an ice storm, a falling tree-limb crushes her car, leaving her in a coma. It takes her months to recover from her near fatal encounter with an ice storm.
It's called La Nina, the flip side of El Nino, cooling oceanic waters that can creates storms like the one that floods a mountainous region of Brazil. Clogged storm drains in the town of Belo Horizonte cause a drivetime drama at a busy intersection. When a helicopter tries to raise a rescuer and boy out of the flood, the cable suddenly snaps.
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