What's My Line? - Peter, Paul & Mary; Woody Allen [panel] (Jul 7, 1963) [W/ COMMERCIALS]
Uploader: What's My Line?
Original upload date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Sun, 07 Nov 2021 18:28:06 GMT
Here's a real treat: a rare complete episode of WML with all the original commercials and transitions intact. Note that this video contains segments from several sources. Many thanks to epaddon for
contributing a copy of the full episode. The first contestant segment and mystery guest segment were spliced in from an incomplete copy in better video quality. Note that at 15:10 a short bit with Woody Allen that was edited out for the "WML at 25" special has been restored here. The video quality drops considerably, but it's nice to have this back in the show it belongs in.
NOTE: Frequent commenter SaveTheTPC alerted me in the comments to a glitch in the video that, somehow, no one noticed or commented on in the month and a half that this has been up: there's 20 seconds of repeated video around 24:58. I have no idea how this happened, and I feel it's minor enough that I don't see a need to correct this small glitch and repost the video, but I did want to make a note of it here. Thanks for the heads up, SaveTheTPC!
MYSTERY GUEST: Peter, Paul, & Mary
PANEL: Arlene Francis, Woody Allen, Dorothy Kilgallen, Bennett Cerf
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