Bullfighting show is popular in El Alto, Bolivia but quite different to those in Spain
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(4 May 2013) SHOTLIST
1. Mid of amateur bullfighter performing during a parody of a Spanish bullfight
2. Mid of spectators
3. Mid of a man watching bullfighting parody
4. Wide of bull turning
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over fence that separate the spectators from the makeshift bullfighting arena; crowds begin screaming, amateur bullfighter using his cape to try to distract the bull away from the fence
5. Tilt up from amateur bullfighter's shoes to his face
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Reinaldo Tito, amateur bullfighter who goes by the name "El Matador Tito" (Tito the Bullfighter)
"As you have seen here, the bull isn't hurt. To the contrary, the (amateur) bullfighters are the ones that are injured. In other countries, the bull gets stabbed with a spear, the bull is killed. But not in Bolivia. This bullfighting plaza in Bolivia has a precedent of not killing or hurting the bull."
7. Various exteriors of makeshift bullfighting arena, banner with the image of a bullfighter waving his cape at a bull reading (Spanish) "Very fierce bulls."
8. Wide of a heifer being led inside the makeshift bullfighting arena
9. Mid of amateur bullfighter performing bullfighting parody with heifer
10. Mid of another amateur bullfighter performing bullfighting parody
11. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Reinaldo Tito, amateur bullfighter who goes by the name "El Matador Tito" (Tito the Bullfighter)
"Therefore, what we do is entertain people, it's a different kind of entertainment with a lot of adrenaline and risk-taking. As you have seen, this is a beautiful, bull-fighting afternoon."
12. Various of two clowns taunting bull during performance. One of the men is dressed as a "chola," or an indigenous woman
13. Mid of bull running
14. Mid of Aurelio Ponce, spectator clapping and smiling during performance
15. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Aurelio Ponce, spectator:
"Yes, here in Bolivia is very different. It's not like in other countries where they kill the bulls. Here, it's different."
16. Various of clowns taunting bull during performance
17. Mid of crowds laughing
The gore and pageantry of Spanish bullfighting is a world away from the spectacle that plays out in a makeshift arena near Bolivia's capital La Paz.
A handful of amateur bullfighters are putting on a show to entertain half a thousand spectators gathered inside the arena of a dusty neighbourhood in El Alto, one of the poorest cities in Bolivia.
Reinaldo Tito, an amateur bullfighter who goes by the name "El Matador Tito," or "Tito the Bullfighter," has been putting on the amateur bullfighting performances for nearly 25 years and says it's innocent fun.
The bulls are not killed or injured.
"As you have seen here, the bull isn't hurt. To the contrary, the bullfighters are the ones that are injured. In other countries, the bull gets stabbed with a spear, the bull is killed. But not in Bolivia. This bullfighting plaza in Bolivia has a precedent of not killing or hurting the bull," Tito said during a show in El Alto on Wednesday.
Tito travels to towns and neighbourhoods around the country with his popular amateur bullfighting show that he stages using what he calls a "portable bullring" with wooden benches.
Amateur bullfighters tease bulls and heifers in a parody of a bull run.
They wear bullfighter sequin costumes made by local tailors and wave capes. But their taunts and passes are not executed as gracefully and smoothly as the professional matadors in Spain.
Tito says their intention is to give the crowds a fun experience.
"What we do is entertain people, it's a different kind of entertainment with a lot of adrenaline and risk-taking," Tito says.
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