Black Water (BP Version) - Gulf Oil Spill Doobie Brothers Parody
Uploader: stevegoodie03
Original upload date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 03:20:37 GMT
So maybe you've heard that there's this oil spill thing going on in the Gulf Of Mexico. But don't worry... "The ocean will take care of this on its own," according to Rush Limbaugh. "It's natural.
It's as natural as the ocean water is." In Rush's defense, he's only marginally stupider than most people when it comes to proposing solutions. In fact, since some of BP's actions indicate that they're smoking something, their team really should be renamed The Doobie Brothers...
Want to help? Go to to order the CD "The Least I Can Do," $2 from each sale goes to The Environmental Defense Fund.
And hey look, it's available on iTunes!
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