Featured Snippets Google SEO Update | Website Preview HTML Attributes Robots Meta Tag | Ganpati Zone
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Original upload date: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 00:34:30 GMT
Featured Snippets Google SEO Update | Website Preview HTML Attributes Robots Meta Tag | Ganpati Zone | https://bit.ly/2kmbr9E
0:17 // Hindi Version - How To Preview Website Content In Google Search R
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According to the Google SEO Update now your website content preview can have a better SEO for your website preview on the Google Search.
Text snippets, thumbnail images, user ratings snippets via structured data now gives us more control how our content is visible in Google search results snippet.
3:48 Robots Meta Tags and HTML Attribute are the two new settings which now gives us the power to enhance our website preview and increase SEO which will result in more CTR (Click Through Rate)
Using robots meta tags
The robots meta tag is added to an HTML page's HEAD, or specified via the x-robots-tag HTTP header. The robots meta tags addressing the preview content for a page are:
4:29 "nosnippet"
This is an existing option to specify that you don't want any textual snippet shown for this page.
4:41 "max-snippet:[number]"
New! Specify a maximum text-length, in characters, of a snippet for your page.
4:54 "max-video-preview:[number]"
New! Specify a maximum duration in seconds of an animated video preview.
5:14 "max-image-preview:[setting]"
New! Specify a maximum size of image preview to be shown for images on this page, using either "none", "standard", or "large".
Preview settings from these meta tags will become effective in mid-to-late October 2019 and may take about a week for the global rollout to complete.
5:40 Robots Meta Tags example code to enhance website content preview in Google Search results.
6:04 Using the new data-nosnippet HTML attribute
A new way to help limit which part of a page is eligible to be shown as a snippet is the "data-nosnippet" HTML attribute on span, div, and section elements. With this, you can prevent that part of an HTML page from being shown within the textual snippet on the page.
The data-nosnippet HTML attribute will be start affecting presentation on Google products later this year.
6:25 data-nosnippet HTML attribute example code to control website preview in Google search
Rich results in search like featured snippets and AMP pages if optimized by the above new Google algorithm update can help Google robots for easy crawling and indexing our site in Google search results.
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