The Rescuers by David Ben Reuven
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Original upload date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 14:20:24 GMT
Words and music: Ben Reuven
Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl and Gizi Fleischmann in Bratislava;
George Mantello and Recha Sternbuch in Switzerland;
Raoul Wallenberg, Per Anger, Giorgio "Jo
rge" Perlasca, Carl Lutz, Monsignor Angello Rotta in Budapest; Josef and Rivka Bau in Plashow;
Chiune Sugihara in Lithuania;
Hillel Kook (alias Peter Bergson) in New York;
Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld and Nicholas Winton in Britain;
The list is small
Their task is great
To rescue Jews
From their tragic fate
In the darkness of the night
They shine their light
The courageous few
With a sacred task
To save the Jew.
Boldly they step into the darkness
They do not hesitate
They will not, they cannot
Leave the Jews to their dismal fate
The Rescuers....
Let their names be inscribed forever
In the Golden Book of Life
Tell it to our children
For generations yet to come
How they saved tens of thousands of our people
From the Nazi Gehinnom.
So tell the world their story
Their heroic feats make known
Not for fame or glory,
With them we were not alone
All over Europe
When all hope of deliverance had gone
Lights suddenly went on.
In Slovakia, in Budapest
In the East and the West
The rescuers rose up
The doomed Jews to wrest
From the Nazi beast,
Of humankind they were the best..The Rescuers...
Copyright Ben Reuven and Jerusalem Songs, August 2004, 02-6536764
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