Date uploaded: 2021-07-07 10:30:21

Archive date: Fri, 24 Dec 2021 22:47:22 GMT

📢Ani-One July New Anime Release‼ Sci-fi anime《Sonny Boy》will be streaming on Ani-One this July! ➰ A group of junior high school students who suddenly have to fend for themselves after their school is teleported to a surreal alternate dimension 👁 💥First episode premieres on 16th July, new episodes will be updated every Friday ⏰Streaming after “Ani-One On Live” at 23:00 (Hong Kong/Taiwan Time, UTC+8) on Ani-One YouTube 🌎Ani-One YouTube channel Streaming Territories: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Palau, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tonga, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam 🔥Ani-One VOD platforms & streaming territories 🔥 ⭐Taiwan: Bahamut, CATCHPLAY, Chunghwa Telecom (MOD&Hami Video), friDay, KKTV, Line TV, myVideo ⭐Singapore: CATCHPLAY, meWATCH ⭐Indonesia: CATCHPLAY ⭐Platform for Asia: Bilibili Asia, IQIYI Asia 💥The available date, time and region of this program may be different among the platforms, please refer to the relevant announcements of each platform. *Streaming platforms reserve the right to change or cancel any content at any time without prior notice. =========================================== 📢Ani-One 7月新番公佈‼ 青春科幻新番《漂流少年》即將登陸Ani-One!➰ 從平穩的日常漂流到異世界的少年少女們,將面對超現實與獨特的世界觀👁 💥第一話的播放日期為7月16日,之後每週五更新一集 ⏰ Ani-One YouTube上架時間於 “Ani-One 直播室” 23:00 (香港/台灣時間, UTC+8)後 🌎Ani-One YouTube 頻道播出地區: 孟加拉國、不丹、文萊、柬埔寨、斐濟、香港、印度、印度尼西亞、老撾、澳門、馬來西亞、馬爾代夫、毛里求斯、蒙古、緬甸、瑙魯、尼泊爾、帕勞、巴基斯坦、巴布亞新幾內亞、菲律賓、薩摩亞、新加坡、所羅門 群島、斯里蘭卡、台灣、湯加、泰國、瓦努阿圖、越南 🔥Ani-One播放地區與VOD平台資訊🔥 ⭐台灣: 巴哈姆特, CATCHPLAY, 中華電信(MOD + Hami Video), friDay影音, KKTV, Line TV, myVideo ⭐新加坡: CATCHPLAY, meWATCH ⭐印尼: CATCHPLAY ⭐亞洲播放平台: Bilibili, 愛奇藝 💥本節目之播映日期, 時間及地區均有機會不同,請以各平台最後公佈為準。 *各平台保留隨時更改或取消任何內容的權利,恕不另行通知。 #AniOne #SonnyBoy #漂流少年 #Anime #July #7月 #scifi #dimension #adventure #科幻 #異次元 #夏目真悟 #MADHOUSE