Date uploaded: 2021-06-19 23:15:10
Archive date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 20:08:56 GMT
After 13 years of being in that incredible world of gymnastics, i officially decide to announce my retirement as a gymnast.
Since 2019, things haven’t been easy for me. I went through a lot of rehab, 2 surgeries for my knee, Covid, ups & downs.. I still tried to keep up, stay positive and bring the best out of all this. But with a past with a lot of injuries, my motivation was most likely to be affected. We all know that all athletes get injured in their career. It’s part of our sports.
I really tried my best to stay motivated, to do the most i could, everyday, but one day it became really hard. That’s when i knew i had to make a decision.
However, I really want to say that gymnastics taught me almost everything i know now.It mostly showed me what a passion was. And i’m so grateful for that.
I want to thank @gymcan1 for the opportunity you gave me. Being chosen to represent our country was by far my greatest pride.
Je veux également remercier la fédération québécoise @gymqc pour l’aide que vous m’avez offert, le support que vous m’avez montrer et de m’avoir permis de faire partie de cette magnifique équipe du québec.
Le plus grand des merci à mon équipe qui m’a suivi tout au long de ma carrière. De 2008 à 2021, j’ai eu d’innombrables personnes qui ont fait parties de mon équipe. Les préparateurs physiques, les préparateurs mentales (Véronique Richard) les nutritionnistes, les physio @mtlphysio , mes parents (mes plus grands fans qui ont tout fait pour moi), mes entraîneurs… Katerine, Francine, Pierre, merci pour tout l’amour, la confiance, les conseils que vous m’avez donné au cours de ma carrière. Sans vous, je ne serais pas la personne que je suis à ce jour. Merci @clubgymnix <33
Also, I want to congratulate the girls that made the olympics team and also the ones who were part of the process. I’m beyond proud of all of you and I really wish the best of luck in Tokyo!
I’ll be watching you guys, just like i always did❤️