Date uploaded: 2021-06-16 12:45:20
Archive date: Fri, 24 Dec 2021 23:14:50 GMT
Today I have made one of my life’s biggest decisions. The last couple of months have not gone as planned and today I have come to the conclusion to stop my professional career as a player. It’s been an amazing time and I have so many people to thank for that. First of all I want to thank my amazing wife @elinwasshiljemark for the support, the energy and trust you put in me. My family for all you guys have been through with me since the start of everything. All the coaches and people around the teams I’ve been representing and last but not least all the amazing friends I’ve meet along the way.
When something ends that means a start for something new. From tomorrow I will start a new adventure and a dream comes true. I will be a part of @aabsportdk first team staff.
I have so much energy and can’t wait to start working on achieving something great with the group we have. I will take all the things I’ve learned from all the great people in this world with me on this new adventure and hope to do great things.
Thank you for everything!
But now, let’s go 🔥