Date uploaded: 2021-05-25 18:56:13

Archive date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:35:05 GMT

WHIP THE POOR WILL How is dying at twenty? For High fever For High fever Your stomach bleed Painting your end So young 40 degrees of delirium Words that can’t be written on paper I’m going to be shot by the soldiers of God In a few days The order has been given I heard it A trumpet blows his solo Sing the whippoorwill at your window There is a color that moves And people hidden in that color I catch a glimpse of the destroying angels You want to drive them away But you can’t see the color From 1999 I was forced to think Till my head aches Illness will grow with genius Listen to the spirit inside the table I’m death and I want your youth. How is dying at twenty For high fever How is dying so young? #20 #twenty #typhoid #fever #death #angel #1999 #youth #young #bohème #illness #genius #spirit #god #order #Radiguet