
Date uploaded: 2020-06-21 01:40:01

Archive date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:50:02 GMT

Since the world is watching, we can celebrate together when Connie Bernard resigns. • Connie released a statement saying she had a pop-up on her screen. Nothing worse than a liar. She was shopping while a Black woman, her fellow school board member was discussing why she thought the name of Lee High should be changed. What a disgrace. • I recorded her for 20 seconds, then walked closer and took photos. Why? I knew she would lie. I live by this quote, “In God we trust, everybody else bring data.” So I gather and keep receipts. Others also witnessed her shopping. • Two years ago when she walked into a neighbors home without permission because she heard music, and assaulted a teenager I said she should resign. Very few in Baton Rouge would speak up. Our District Attorney Hillar Moore kicked the can down the road on it. Now the nation sees who she is. She is a reflection of leadership in this city, and until she resigns the school board can’t be respected. • If I am true to who I say I am, I can’t stop until the work is done. Connie has to go. Join your voice and load the system down with emails until she resigns. Make her name known world wide. Connie is a #Karen supreme. Enough is enough. She has to go. • Our children deserve better, our community deserves better. If she remains it gives permission for others to do the same. Send an email and #KeepPushing until she’s gone. • dtatman@ebrschools.org, cbernard@ebrschools.org, mgaudet@ebrschools.org, jdyason@ebrschools.org, ewarejackson@ebrschools.org, dcollins1@ebrschools.org, thoward4@ebrschools.org, dlanus@ebrschools.org, mbellue@ebrschools.org.