Date uploaded: 2023-12-01 09:24:45
This infant was born in the midst of this war and tragically lost his life, he is not more than a month and a half old. He was martyred in the arms of his mother after their home was bombed in Al-Maghraga area.
هذا الطفل الرضيع ولد في هذه الحرب واستشه.د فيها، لا يتجاوز عمره الشهر ونصف، استشه.د وهو بين حضن والدته، بعد قصف منزله بمنطقة المغراقة.
Bu bebek, bu savaşın ortasında doğdu ve maalesef hayatını kaybetti, daha bir buçuk aylık bile değildi. Evleri Al-Maghraga bölgesinde bombalandıktan sonra annesinin kollarında şehit düştü.