Date uploaded: 2020-05-06 18:25:55
Archive date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 23:36:47 GMT
I love this so much. I am deeply proud of my heritage and have found strength in learning about the journeys my family took to find prosperity. My mom came to Canada when she was starting high school—her family’s story is complex, but, in its most simple telling, they left Indonesia (the Chinese have a difficult history there) and lived in Singapore and the Solomon Islands before coming to Vancouver. For my mom Vancouver was a welcoming and positive home. Neither my mom nor my grandmother spoke Chinese. Both grew up outside of China (my grandmother was from Jamaica). My mom never cooked Chinese food. She didn’t know much about the culture. But none of this seemed strange to me growing up. I still don’t know why. Perhaps much of it had to do with the fact that my high school was populated by 85% Asian peeps from all different backgrounds. Perhaps that allowed me to see that my family was simply one version of Asian. Anyway. This is rambling. I suppose I am simply sharing a part of my heritage in hopes that my story adds to the diversity of Asian-ness that you see on your feed. Please share your stories for #asianheritagemonth , I would love to read them.
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