Date uploaded: 2017-08-19 07:29:48
Archive date: Fri, 24 Dec 2021 05:07:56 GMT
Every film is the beginning of a new journey, new learnings and new relationships and this one is gonna be a celebration like none other.. with the blessings of the almighty lord #shiva, my partners @kriarj @balajimotionpictures & @guyintheskypictures share with u the 1st #kedarnathmotionposter . Spread the love guys #kedarnath #kedarnaththemovie #loveisapilgrimage @sushantsinghrajput #saraalikhan @pragyadav @iprernaarora @ektaravikapoor @kanika.d @ameet_trivedi @castingchhabra #amitabhbhattacharya #oneness #dancingyogi #jaibholenath🙏