Date uploaded: 2023-03-26 19:52:18
Ringing in my 31st year with my parents in Ash Fork, Arizona. This year has been so big it’s been hard to hold onto at times. But I think it’s made me softer than I’ve ever been. I’ve been living out of 5 suitcases with no permanent home, experienced new depths and colours of love from people I’ve known for a long time, people I’ve known for a moment and also through experiences I’ve had all on my own. I’ve seen the rewards of hard work pay off in ways that felt like they only existed in my imagination. My life has expanded geographically, which means I’ve got to meet so many new, incredible people and reconnect with old friends, but now no matter where I am I’m always far away from someone that I love, which constantly hurts. More than anything I’m grateful to have so many people in my life that it hurts to be away from. And that I have a job that affords me the freedom to go to them and hold on to them if only for a few turbo moments at a time. Thankyou for making it all make sense ❤️