
Date uploaded: 2023-09-05 14:53:25

While we’re celebrating the 10th anniversary of The Room games with a MASSIVE SALE (links in bio 😉), we thought we’d dust off some behind-the-scenes pics showing some of our more ‘unique’ working practices. (If you need more Making Of goodness then visit our Flickr page - flickr.com/photos/fireproofgames/albums) The Making of a Mystery Part 1: The Room In an effort to step away from outsourcing and make our own games we hired Rob, our first coder in 2012 and started mucking about with some iPad prototypes. We’d saved up some budget to fund development, but only really had enough for 9 months or so. It quickly became clear that this new fangled touch screen interface offered a new tactility to gameplay, so we focused on a prototype which felt pretty good and involved rotating a camera around 3D objects, turning keys and unlocking stuff. The game known as ‘Puzzle Box’ started coming together and we wrapped it in a creepy gameworld dripping in atmosphere, which suited us fine as big fans of the mysterious bits of things like the X Files, Indiana Jones, Hellraiser & Ghostbusters. We had a lot of fun dressing up and filming live action sequences ourselves and compositing the footage into CG environments, which became a bit of a thing in our games. Heading towards the end of development (and budget!) we still didn’t have a decent name and discovered that naming stuff is really hard! Luckily Barry remembered the name of an old tech demo created by the founders of Media Molecule called ‘The Room’, which ticked all our boxes for something that sounded interesting and full of potential. Thankfully they were more than happy for us to use it! Released initially on iPad on September 19th 2012 our little game quickly started gaining traction as the whole world seemed to get an iPad 2 at the same time, and being in the right place at the right time we happily rode that wave. #TheRoom #FireproofGames #Gaming #GameDev #GameDevelopment #Videogames #Puzzlegames #AppStore #GooglePlay #Steam #SteamVR #NintendoSwitch #Switch #BT