Date uploaded: 2024-01-15 22:01:40

Who you lay down with, you pick up, in one way or another First we need to understand men & women were designed to carry OPPOSITE roles in nature. Women of the present day, were biologically designed to carry one man’s sperm cells every 7 years. Today they’re carrying 3-5+ A man’s body is designed to GIVE off DNA, & she is designed to RECEIVE DNA—to birth LIFE—he is the electric provider, he is the magnetic receiver If you think that’s ‘bullshit’ look into the scientific term known as “Telegony” which occurs when a woman sleeps with more than one man in a few years time. This is the occurrence of heredity traits getting past on to child from previous partner(s) of the mother. So if a man sleeps with a woman who’s had relations with another man that previous year, the 1st man’s “sperm” (DNA) can possibly ‘override’ the new mans sperm & FUSE with the new mans sperm, impregnating the woman. This is the METAPHYISCAL science of telegony, & this is why so many men are claiming their children don’t look like them Men’s astral fluid is like a personal code & women’s bodies are the divine computer for that code to be placed in for bringing life. Essentially women are designed to be sponges for genetic material from their partners. Pregnancy with a male child is the most popularly talked about way that explains why a women has foreign male DNA in her body but that’s only the surface: the more promiscuous women become they more they get ‘high‘ off a man’s DNA—That imprint can often create illusion of a sexual addiction Not only does society suppress scientific research of Telegony , but it’s clearly & explicitly written in almost every ancient religious text—this isn’t about religion but human testaments to experiences—guides, so to speak—literal & are binded to the real-life metaphors contained within, they’ve succeeded into programming us to think that sexual immorality & degeneracy is just everyday—ordinary & completely normal Innerstand both genders should be careful who they share their temple with—Sex is the f