Date uploaded: 2024-08-21 21:49:24

Crocodile Choreography in the Kimberley 🐊 Slowing down this incredible moment captured by Donny Imberlong, we witness the raw power and instinct of saltwater crocodiles during a feeding event. This footage shows the unique choreography that unfolds when these apex predators come together and cautiously attempt to share in the prey item. Although crocodiles don’t willingly “share” their prey in a cooperative sense, they do tolerate each other during feeding, with larger crocs often taking the first bites. In some cases, a crocodile may drag leftover prey into a secluded spot, stashing it away for a later meal. This tactic helps them protect their food from competitors and scavengers, showcasing their remarkable survival instincts in the wild. 🎥 @donnydrysdale #prey #saltwatercrocodile #kimberley #ilovecrocodiles #choreography #crocodilefeeding