Date uploaded: 2022-02-06 01:07:13

Congressional bill H.R.550 (Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021) paves the way for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share personal health data with the federal government. The bill has hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to the tracking system’s success. ⠀ The bill passed the U.S. House with a vote of 294-130. All House Democrats and 80 House Republicans voted yes for H.R. 550, including the 4 Republican co-sponsors. ⠀ This bill is meant to strengthen the enforceability of federal vaccine mandates and normalize vaccine-status discrimination. Let us be clear, this is the tracking system to which the government can tie a digital passport. ⠀ It’s unethical to pass a bill that tracks vaccination status yet there is no transparency in the product itself and no liability for injury or death. ⠀ Americans still value privacy and once we give it away, we cannot get it back. We must tell our U.S. senators that we are not for sale. Americans know the importance of privacy and say no to taking and sharing our personal, private data. ⠀ ✅ Use the LINK below now to join hundreds of thousands of others in this message. ⠀ Together we are stronger. standforhealthfreedom #standforhealthfreedom #childrenhealthdefensepa #childrenshealthdefense #wearenotforsale #nofederaltracking #notracking