Date uploaded: 2022-01-22 21:46:52

LIVESTREAM INFO: Can’t make it to our 2 rallies tomorrow? View LIVE coverage on CHD.TV for rallies in Brussels, Belgium + Washington, DC. The Brussels event will start early morning EST, ending around 11:30am EST when the torch of LIBERTY will be passed back to the states. Live coverage of "Defeat the Mandates" will begin at 11:30am EST. Go to CHD.TV for both LIVE Events! Brussels ➡️ LINK IN BIO Early morning - approx. 11:30am EST DC ➡️ LINK IN BIO March Livestream: 11:30am EST - 12pm EST Rally Livestream: 12:30 - approx. 3:30pm EST #donotcomply #holdtheline #nomandates #medicalfreedom #thedefender #rfkjr #robertfkennedyjr #chdtv #livestream #defeatthemandates #defeatthemandatesdc #CHD #MaryHolland #CallToEurope #NoGreenPass #NoVaxPassports #mybodymychoice #stopmandates #MedicalFreedomForAll #healthfreedomforall