Date uploaded: 2022-12-13 20:00:57

Hello everyone! As many of you know, the week before Sheffield, Paul dislocated his shoulder in practice. We managed to modify few things in our programs and pushed through the week to compete and we are really proud of us for doing that! Unfortunately, Paul needs another surgery for his shoulder. After a long time of reflection, we took the hard decision of withdrawing from our Canadian nationals. It’s a heartbreaking decision, but it is the best thing to do for our future and long term goal. We are more than thankful for the support of our coaches (@iceacademyofmontreal), patinage Quebec(@patinageqc)and patinage canada(@skate_canada), we can’t thank you enough! We are already looking forward to compete next season! Paul will get his surgery on December 28th! Let’s all wish him a nice and really really fast rehab!😉 you got this!