Also a note about the Equality/HRC symbol we had as our profile pic for a few days:
"We are showing support for friends and loved ones, and stating where we stand on the issue. That's all.
If we also help in some small way to sway public opinion towards supporting equality, ...then great. If, through our position as a band with a public voice, people in the LGBT community feel encouraged, then awesome.
I understand "facebook activism" isn't going to heal the world, or directly change a judge's position, or give some jerk some basic empathy, however, this doesn't change how it still NEEDS to be said whenever we have the chance, nor does it change my desire to support my friends and family.
I also understand many additional social and institutional changes are needed beyond the marriage issue before we have full inclusion of LGBT communities. This does not change my desire to support my friends and family.
Honestly, how hard is it to imagine if you were a member of the LGBT community, you would want to know your friend, or even some dumb rock band wants you to be happy?
If people would like to discuss the (possibly valid) criticisms against "slacktivism", the HRC or how some perceive this as bandwagon-jumping... perhaps they should go someplace where those discussions are actually happening, instead of trying to rain on this parade."
Please go elsewhere to be edgy and cynical.