I just found the cassette that holds the original CLERKS soundtrack!
Henry Hudson Regional school mate Scott Angley and his band LOVE AMONGST FREAKS recorded the score, opening song and others pieces on an old 4 track recorder in their garage.
... Dubbed unceremoniously over an instructional tape and labeled as casually as things are when folks don't realize their historical importance, this relic of dead tech hasn't left my keep since I first received it. I listened to this cassette in my room on a rack system that I was plenty proud of, I listened to it on my Walkman, and I listened to it in my car anywhere I drove - and sometimes just parked. I nearly wore this tape out playing it over and over because it was enthralling to finally hear what CLERKS sounded like to someone else.
And no matter where technology has taken audio over the last two decades, I can't let this flimsy artifact go. It's a reminder that I've never done anything alone: I've always had the help of OTHER artists to make my shit float or fly.
This tape's a talisman. As the River Phoenix version of Indiana Jones would say, "This belongs in a museum!"
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