User: New Zealand Cadet Forces
Date posted: Mon, 18 Dec 2017 06:50:00 GMT

Commandant’s Christmas Message
E nga iwi o te Taua Tauira o Aotearoa, tenei aku mihi mahana ki a koutou. Kia ora tatau katoa.
To everyone in the New Zealand Cadet Forces, I bid warm greetings to you all.
...As we approach the end of yet another busy year for the NZCF, I pause to reflect again on the amazing organisation that I am privileged to lead and the quality of the people we have, all focused on doing their best they can and playing their part in preparing New Zealand’s successful leaders of tomorrow.
On my travels I am constantly reminded that we have incredibly committed officers, supplementary staff, Regular Force and civilian staff that make the NZCF a truly world class youth development organisation. If you are part of this group, I thank you for your dedication and selfless service.
I am also constantly buoyed by the enthusiasm, energy and talent of our cadets, particularly those that put themselves forward to be tested in competitive environments. For me, success in competitions provides an effective feedback mechanism to gauge whether we are on the right track as an organisation, and I’m pleased to say that I have not been disappointed yet. If you are a cadet in our great organisation, I thank you for challenging yourself. You are the reason we are here.
I take this opportunity to also thank the recognised support organisations that support the NZCF in everything we do. The national bodies of SCANZ, CCANZ, ATCANZ and the RNZRSA provide some of the funding and resources to support our events, whilst also being champions for our cause. At local levels, the branches of SCANZ, CCANZ and ATCANZ, the Support Committees, are vital to keeping our cadet units in operation, and providing that support from the community that is required. To our supporting entities, at whatever level, I thank you for your support and belief in the NZCF.
The last couple of years have been very busy for the NZCF. Not only have we been conducting our ‘business as usual’, in addition we have also introduced a number of major new initiatives as part of Operation TAUIRA, our transformation strategy. This has meant a good deal of extra work for some, changes to processes and systems to iron out, and refocussing the organisation on the future. For those that have gone the extra yards, thank you for your commitment to making the NZCF a better organisation.
Focus areas for next year will include refinement of some of the Operation TAUIRA initiatives introduced in 2017, planning for Exercise CADET2020, restructuring the Regular Force elements of the NZCF, establishing an NZCF Alumni programme, the introduction of our new personnel information management system – ‘CadetNet’ and, just maybe, new branding!
I am genuinely looking forward to the year that lies ahead and I am confident that the NZCF will excel as always.
Thank you again for all you have done throughout the year. I hope you take some time over the holidays to recharge your batteries, spend time with whanau and friends, and reflect on how you will make a difference to the NZCF in 2018. That is certainly what I’ll be doing.
Nga mihi o te wa me te Tau Hou ki a koutou katoa.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Lieutenant Colonel Grant Morris
New Zealand Cadet Forces