Date posted: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 16:30:14 GMT

UPDATE 02/11/19
As you will read below, I was made aware on 02/05/19 that a digital poster was made by an employee of Vinos in Little Rock using my image withou...t permission, depicting me "biting a baby" with my mouth. I objected and called for a boycott of Vinos in protest of the image which is an affront to me as an ordained minister of the gospel and a well known pro-life advocate. I have been informed that Christopher Farris Terry who was the employee that made the poster was directed to take down the image and replace it. I appreciate Vinos for acknowledging that the image was wrong and had it taken down. I am still waiting for Vinos to contact me directly and apologize for the offensive image which has not only offended my sense of decency, but also offended many more in our state and around the country.
It is important that good moral standards be observed in public speech. I will always speak up for that which is good and decent and speak out against that which is vile and indecent.
As I stated below, I never stated the band "Eyehategod" was responsible for the problem and I have seen that they have stated this publicly. It is disturbing that the band has chosen to use a name for their band that dishonors God. That is of course their right, but I would hope that at some point in the future they might experience the love, grace and mercy of God and choose to update their name to "EyeloveGod" - that would truly be historic.
John 3:16 New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
UPDATE 02/10/19
The responsibility for this issue apparently lies with Vino’s and an employee of Vino’s named Christopher Farris Terry, who claims he used my image and altered it for the digital poster that I objected to. He made a post to his social media after I objected stating that he had to edit the poster for the event and remove my image. Neither Vino’s owner Henry Lee, their management team nor Mr. Terry has contacted me directly to apologize. I never stated the band “Eyehategod” was responsible for this problem and apparently they were not involved as far as I know - this was clearly a decision by Vino’s and their employee and that is where the responsibility lies.
*Using the image of someone in Arkansas without permission for commercial purposes is a violation of law:…/ch…/subchapter-11/section-4-75-1108
I will be waiting for Vino’s corporate owners to contact me for a resolution to this matter.
Boycott Vinos in Little Rock
Friends, I rarely share with you the hateful posts and pictures that extreme liberals make about me to torment my stand for better moral values. But this time I want you to see what they have done. They use my image on an event without my permission and they depict me “biting a baby” in my mouth. A wicked and evil depiction on an event entitled “Eyehategod”. I call on Vinos in Little Rock to cancel this event and apologize for such a disrespectful image that shows the dehumanization of babies lives. It is disrespectful of all who value babies lives and people of faith. They also clearly welcome the Satanic Temple in another post I am sharing. I urge you NOT to frequent Vinos and stand against their hateful rhetoric.