就如同漫畫鬼滅之刃中提到的:「 因為我們是夥伴,是情同手足的關係。」,台日關係將會因為互助更加堅定,不管遇到任何的困難,都能一起攜手面對。
As Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide said, in the face of the pandemic and natural disasters, #Japan and #Taiwan are ready to assist each other in a humanitarian spirit, building on the friendship between the two countries. This sentiment was echoed by President Tsai Ing-wen who said that the ties between Taiwan and Japan extend far beyond politics and economy.
When Taiwan was in need, Japan donated five batches of vaccines, now we're donating ten thousand oximeters and one thousand and eight oxygen concentrators to our friends in return. As Taiwan-Japan Relations Association Chairman Chiou I-jen said, "Every little helps." Digital Minister Audrey Tang also called for the virtuous cycle to continue.
The Taiwan-Japan relationship will only be firmer by helping one another through thick and thin.