Majlis pengundian Liga Melaka hari ini dipengerusikan oleh Naib Presiden MUSA, Encik Khairi Anuar di Bilik Seminar Stadium Hang Jebat.
Selain itu, undian untuk Piala FA Liga Melaka juga telah diadakan.
Sebelum berlangsungnya pengundian pasukan, Pegawai Pembangunan Pengadil, Encik Krishnan Rao menerangkan beberapa peraturan sebelum sepak mula liga berlangsung.
Sebanyak 43 pasukan telah menyertai pertandingan kali ini dan Piala FA akan bermula pada 26 Februari.
Turut hadir Setiausaha Eksekutif, Encik Muzzairen Rahman dan Bendahari Kehormat, Encik Razak Abu Hassan.
Malacca League Draw
A Malacca League draw that was chaired by MUSA's Vice President, Mr Khairi Anuar was held at Jebat Stadium Seminar Room.
Besides that the Malacca League FA Cup draw was also held.
Before the draw starts, Referees Development Officer, Mr Krishnan Rao explained a few rules before the leageu kicks off.
There are 43 team participated this competition and the FA Cup will start on the 26th February.
Also present is the Executive Secretary, Mr Muzzairen Rahman and Honorary Treasurer, Mr Razak Abu Hassan.